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Submit Your Abstract

Our application process is now closed, thanks for your interest.

Please fill in the form below in English and then click the "Submit" button. You will instantly see a successful submission message right below the "Submit" button. If there is any technical issue, please do not hesitate to contact us. 


Abstract Submission Requirements:
- Word Count: The abstract is limited to 300 words.
- Structure: Please include the following sections in your abstract:
   - Research Questions/Objectives
   - Theory/Concept
   - Methods
   - Findings
- Language: Write your abstract in clear, concise, and grammatically correct English.

Abstract submission deadline: 15 December 2023. 


Please indicate whether you are open to consideration for special session and special issue by filling in the second last question in the submission form. The HKU-USI Inaugural Conference has 4 supporting journals: Area Development and Policy (ADP), Transactions in Planning and Urban Research (TPUR), Transactions in Urban Data, Science and Technology (TUDST), and Frontiers of Urban and Rural Planning (FURP). CFPs for Special Issues of three of these journals are co-organized with Special Sessions in the conference:

- To learn more about TPUR special issue, please go to 

- To submit the abstract for TPUR special issue, please email Dr Yishuai Zhang at

- To learn more about ADP special issue, please go to

- To submit the abstract for ADP special issue, please email Dr Qiong He at

- TUDST welcomes abstracts related to urban system data, science, and/or technologies. To submit the abstract for TUDST special issues, please go to

Notice: The abstract submission deadlines for these special issues are different from that of this HKU-USI Inaugural Conference. Please check the links above for details.


Conference Contact Persons

Miss Dining Liu and Miss Ivy Fung


Tel: +852 39174898

Please indicate all applicable options by checking the corresponding boxes. Two special issues, including Transactions in Planning and Urban Research (TPUR) and Area Development and Policy (ADP), are associated with two special sessions in this conference, respectively. For details about special issues, please refer to the instructions above.

Thank you! You will receive our confirmation email if your submission is successful.

Urban Systems Institute

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