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Call for Papers
HKU-Urban Systems Institute (USI) Inaugural Conference
Towards New Paradigms for Urban Research
The University of Hong Kong, 11-12 January 2024
The Urban Systems Institute (USI) at the University of Hong Kong (HKU-USI) was established in December 2022 (https://www.usi.hku.hk/), with a mission to advance the science of urban systems and the applications of urban systems research.
The HKU-USI will organize its inaugural conference at the University of Hong Kong on 11-12 January 2024, to bring together urban scholars from different disciplines and locations to explore pathways of theorizing the evolving forms and norms of cities and their inherent problems and possibilities. The USI has a strong emphasis on linking theoretical and methodological innovations in the sciences of urban systems with professional, industrial and policy innovations. 21st century cities have moved into uncharted territory in respect of the compounding of environmental, financial, social and economic constraints and challenges, many of which may become existential threats. Novel and viable solutions for industry and governments require theoretical and methodological innovation. What we have gleaned from 20th-century urban theory, scholarship, and science may prove insufficient. The theme of the USI inaugural conference is therefore offered with provocation but also with a pressing realism and urgency: “Towards New Paradigms for Urban Research”. USI's ambitions are to 1) reunify the scientific study of the city (social sciences, STEM and data science); 2) bridge classical urban systems research with studies of contemporary, controversial and futuristic normative systems; 3) experiment with socio-ecological studies of systems of cities and intra-urban systems; 4) link up-stream future city and smart city research with downstream innovations in the planning, design, management and governance of cities.
To achieve these goals, concerted efforts by multidisciplinary teams of scholars are urgently needed to break disciplinary and sectoral silos and reinvent the paradigm of urban research. The conference welcomes papers addressing any research questions related to urban systems, at any scale and from singular or multiple theoretical and methodological perspectives. USI is committed to sound and rigorous studies, clarity and succinctness in theory, quality of research design and quality of explanation through linking qualitative and quantitative scholarship, and to the applicability of academic urban systems research to the real world of city planning, design, and management.
Conference Organizing Committee
*sorted by last name
Keynote Speakers
*sorted by last name
Prof. Michael Batty (recording) | Bartlett Professor of Planning, Chair, Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, University College London |
Dr. Marc Barthelemy | Research Director, Institute of Theoretical Physics (IPhT), Saclay, France |
Prof. Chenghu Zhou 周成虎 | Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Researcher, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Prof. Anthony Yeh 葉嘉安 | Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Chair Professor (Urban Planning and Geographic Information Systems), Department of Urban Planning and Design, HKU |
Prof. Chris Webster | Dean, Faculty of Architecture, HKU; Chair Professor (Urban Planning and Development Economics), Department of Urban Planning and Design, HKU |
Nan Shi 石楠 | Executive Vice President and Secretary General, Urban Planning Society of China |
Dr. Zhi Liu 刘志 | Director, Peking University-Lincoln Institute Center for Urban Development and Land Policy, Peking University |
Prof. Mei-Po Kwan 關美寶 | Professor of Geography and Resource Management, Director, Institute of Space and Earth Information Science, the Chinese University of Hong Kong |
Prof. Renzhong Guo 郭仁忠 | Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering; Head of the Research Institute for Smart Cities, Shenzhen University |
Prof. Jianya Gong 龔健雅 | Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Professor of Remote Sensing and Information Engineering, Wuhan University |
Conference Timeline
Date | Activity |
15 December 2023 | Abstract submission due |
10-16 December 2023 | Abstract acceptance notices sent out |
17 December 2023 | Registration and payment due |
10 January 2024 | Conference registration |
11-12 January 2024 | Full-day conference |
Conference Venue & Registration
Conference venue: The plenary and all concurrent sessions will be held in person at the University of Hong Kong.
Registration fee is US$400 for faculty members and US$250 for students. Registration fees are waived for scholars and students affiliated with the University of Hong Kong (HKU).
Members of RSA China and HKU Alumni: US$300 for faculty members and US$200 for students. Please kindly provide your RSA China Membership No. in the registration system.
Gala Dinner (11 January 2024): Extra fee is needed. The registration fees cover conference costs including lunches and refreshments. The deadline to pay the registration fee is 17 December 2023, and an online payment method will be announced by email on 10-16 December 2023.
We have secured exclusive discounts for three exceptional hotels located near the campus, which are available for the period of January 10-13 at three nearby hotels.
Conference Contact Persons
Submit Your Abstract
The abstract submission deadline is extended to 15 December 2023.
Abstract Submission Due on 15 December 2023
Abstract Submission Requirements
- Word Count: The abstract is limited to 300 words.
- Structure: Please include the following sections in your abstract:
- Research Questions/Objectives
- Theory/Concept
- Methods
- Findings
- Language: Write your abstract in clear, concise, and grammatically correct English.
Please indicate whether you are open to consideration for special session and special issue by filling in the second last question in the submission form. The HKU-USI Inaugural Conference has 4 supporting journals: Area Development and Policy (ADP), Transactions in Planning and Urban Research (TPUR), Transactions in Urban Data, Science and Technology (TUDST), and Frontiers of Urban and Rural Planning. CFPs for Special Issues of three of these journals are co-organized with Special Sessions in the conference:
- To learn more about TPUR special issue, please go to https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/JFDfBSyeY8qY8V5TGfh1DA
- To submit the abstract for TPUR special issue, please email Dr Yishuai Zhang at zhangys@hku.hk
- To learn more about ADP special issue, please go to https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/elGm1uIf-o7nFFt0K-TntA
- To submit the abstract for ADP special issue, please email Dr Qiong He at qionghe@hku.hk
- TUDST welcomes abstracts related to urban system data, science, and/or technologies. To submit the abstract for TUDST special issues, please go to https://journals.sagepub.com/home/tus
Notice: The abstract submission deadlines for these special issues are different from that of this HKU-USI Inaugural Conference. Please check the links above for details.