Place Effects on Health: How Can We Conceptualize, Operationalize and Measure Them?
Tue, 12 Nov
|Social Sciences Chamber, 11/F
Organizer: HKU Research Hub of Population Studies Co-organizers: HKU Social Sciences Research Centre (JUST Lab); HKU Urban Systems Institute

Time & Location
12 Nov 2024, 9:00 am – 5:35 pm HKT
Social Sciences Chamber, 11/F, The Jockey Club Tower, The University of Hong Kong
About the event
You are cordially invited to join us for the Symposium on Place Effects on Health: How Can We Conceptualize, Operationalize and Measure Them?, jointly organised by the HKU Research Hub of Population Studies, HKU Social Sciences Research Centre (JUST Lab) and the HKU Urban Systems Institute.
This Symposium aims to provide a platform to facilitate communication and discussion among urban sociologists, geographers, and health researchers regarding key conceptual and methodological tools to address the impact of place on population health. Through engaging presentations by our guests from different regions and discussions with the participants and stakeholders, we anticipate that this Symposium will provoke new thoughts and debates about the various ways that places influence health and encourage potential collaborations across different disciplines, institutions, and regions.
Keynote Speakers
Mei-po Kwan, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Gordon G. Liu, Peking University
David Curtis, The University of Utah
Jun Yang, Tsinghua University
Zhuoni Zhang, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)
David Bishai, Bin Chen, Duoduo Xu, The University of Hong Kong
In addition to the distinguished speakers from across the regions, we are also honoured to have Professor Ge Lin Kan, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou), and Professors Ming Wen, Shenjing He and Wendy Chen, The University of Hong Kong, serving as moderators and discussants for the respective sessions.
Feel free to check the tentative programme below:
We look forward to welcoming you at the Symposium!